Rabu, 31 Mei 2017

Successful Home Owner Millionaire Stories

Successful Story of a Successful Home Owner Millionaire - In running a business, an entrepreneur must also have been saturated and stressed. The following stories are success stories of an entrepreneur from a different and unique background, so they are expected to motivate you. Everyone has advantages and disadvantages of each, if they can surely you can mangat rest assured with your ability and the best.

Kisah Sukses Usaha

Successful Home Business Entrepreneurs Stories

Here are the success stories of bisnis rumahan people who start their business at home. Background of a unique and even mediocre but with high morale and do not know give up can change their lives.
1. Mrs. Kastinah, A Worker Able to Break 300 Million Turnover / month
Ibu Kastinah is a rempeyek factory worker located in the village of Palemadu Bantul. Having a husband whose job is odd but sometimes also a well-digging force. From the stock of working knowledge dipabrik Mrs Kastinah desperate to establish their own business that begins at home. Due to his high morale spirit, eventually his business struggled to grow bigger. He currently has 10 frying places with dozens of employees helping his business. Omzet earned every month can penetrate the number of hundreds of millions.

2. Habibi Afsyah, Online Business Success Although Physical Not Perfect

There are probably many who know one of these inspiring pris. He has twice appeared on television shows to my knowledge, the first on a talk show broadcast by Metro TV that is Kick Andy. Through the show kick andy he shares his inspirational and inspiring stories. The second appeared on the D'Terong Show broadcast by INDOSIAR.

Due to physical limitations, Habibi little afsyah is often ridiculed by his friends. Although at first he was almost desperate, but the love and love of his beloved mother was able to get him through his tough times. Now he runs a home business that is engaged in the field of online publishing PPC Google Adsense program and Amazon affiliate program.
Baca Juga :

3. Eka Lesmana, a Graduate of a Junior High School So Millionaire

At first I never thought that from the world of online business can bring enough income even quite large. And the most unique to run an online business we do not need a high diploma or extensive experience because all that can be learned. Eka Lesmana is the one who proves it. Curious as to what Eka Lesmana is going to blog OpportunitySpace99 review little as your motivation.

Eka Lesmana may not be as fortunate as you, she misses her mother while still sitting dibangku primary school, while her father then married again and go somewhere. Eka then lives with her grandmother, because of limited funds she can only go to junior high school. Then he became a duck hunter.

After that he wandered to work, sari peratauan this he began to know the people who pursue online business. Eka lesmana then dared to buy a laptop to try to shop online. From the online store that he managed eventually he was able to sell his wares even though the goods sold do not sell every day. Eka lesmana feel less greget ditoko online and then introduced Google Adsense by one of the buyers in place work. From here Eka lesmana start everything with the spirit to learn now Eka lesmana able to produce tens to hundreds of millions each month.

Inspirational Story of Bob Sadino and his Goblog Philosophy

For this one you must be familiar. A businessman who appeared quirky with his shorts. Bob Sadino is not just as successful as it is today, he has experienced many failures, losses and misadventures. On the advice of his friend to raise chickens he finally able to like now.

Starting a business or business is not an easy thing, it needs a lot of sacrifices to be done both time and effort. One of the quite sadino bob quote is:

    "In business, do not think too much about success If you think too much about success, work must be under pressure, not relaxed so that the work will not be good    Relax, remove all the burden, remember the backing, willingness, commitment, , never give up and always learn to the smarter and always grateful. "

Messages That We Can Take From Their Inspirational Stories are:

    1. Never succumb to our failure because failure is one of the footholds to achieve our success. Big people do not mean never fail even they more fail than we who distinguish only their power to rise and never give up more than us.

    2. Thinking and making plans is important, but thinking too long will make you reluctant to start moving. It would be better if you have a simple plan but start to run it and complete the shortcomings rather than have a very good plan but not done.

    3. Home business, sideline business or even small business can also lead you to success if you want to be cultivated seriously. Believing in your abilities because human duty is just trying and trying, God is the one who organizes the results.

    Hopefully the article "Success Stories of the Millionaire's Inspirational Home Business" is able to add the spirit of agan-agan to go ahead and work.

    Good luck!

    Selasa, 30 Mei 2017

    5 Produk / Barang Paling Laris Jika Dijual Online

    Curious Brother wants to know what products are best selling online on the internet? Take it easy.

    This time I will discuss on this article Bestselling Items Online. Actually all the goods can be sold when sold online. But of the many goods and products offered on the internet, certainly there are some items that are the most salable and the most popular by people, especially in Indonesia. By knowing the best selling product type sold online, of course we also can kerja online indonesia come to sell the product to get profit. But note also, the more in demand of these goods, our rivals who sell similar goods are also more and more.

    5 Produk paling Laris jika dijual Online


    Alright we just serve what the best selling items sold online on the internet as a picture for you who want to jump in the online shop.

    1. Fashion Products.

    According to a Google survey, clothing products are the first items purchased online. Many people buy clothing products from the internet to save time. In general, online shoppers or online consumers prefer to save time rather than save money. Online consumers for clothing products are also not only women, men are also many who love to shop for fashion products online. Some of the most popular fashion products by men are Muslim fashion, jackets, watches, and shoes. Fashion goods are the best selling products sold online on the internet in Indonesia.

    2. Gadgets.

    The gadget product is in second position. Many Indonesians are looking for and buying gadget products and similar items from the internet. Most of these online consumers are people who are busy working in the office and do not have time to travel to the malls. Especially usually urban streets are often jammed so they choose to make purchases online to save time and energy.

    3. Electronic Equipment.

    Electronic goods that are usually purchased from the internet are video game games, camera, television, handycam, etc. Although enthusiasts of electronic equipment is not as much as gadget product enthusiasts, but selling electronic equipment online is also quite promising.

    Baca Juga :

    4. Female Beauty Products

    also has a high enough interest. Shopping and women are two words that have a close relationship. Moreover in general women want to always look beautiful. Therefore, women's beauty products will always be a monthly requirement for women. Beauty products are usually sold well on the internet are skin whitening cream, slimming products, facial care products such as acne remover and skin whitening is also very high demand. My friend there is also selling bleach cream only through FB but can earn a big profit.

    5. Seasonal Products.

    Well this one is a merchandise that suits season only. After the booming season, enthusiasts of these products can certainly decrease dramatically. However, the benefits that can be made are quite promising. What are seasonal merchandise samples? Examples such as knick knacks a particular boyband group or knick knacks K-POP. Knick knacks here can be posters, stickers, pins. There is my friend who is also creative, he sells t-shirts, bags, hats, etc. then added kerja online data entry the names, logos, or symbols of Korean boy band group and the result is sold well. Lots of orders that come, but he only uses the media up.

    How about it? Those are some of the bestsellers sold online. Interested to try to market the product? Ready to sell? Immediately Take Your Steps!

    Minggu, 21 Mei 2017

    5 Mistakes That Make Online Business Fail

    5 Mistakes That Make Online Business Fail - Well, this time about Business, Lately a lot of business people who make a lot of mistakes when doing business.

    These mistakes can be aspects of the business that are under-scrutiny and can make the brand unknown or reduced consumer interest.
    Bisnis Online 2017

    Here are some common mistakes often made by online businesspeople:

    1. Not adjusting bids with requests

    Many run an online business without thinking about market demand, they sell goods that are not needed by people. Preferably, before building an online business, do market validation in 3 ways:

    a. Measuring market demand

    This can be done using the Google adwords keyword planner application by entering your product and location, with an instant, this app will give you information kerja online 2018 on the number of searchers for that product.

    b. Predicting trends

    Many products that are only temporary and so that sales can continue to be stable, you should be able to predict the pattern of demand. One way that can be done to measure trends is to use Google trends.

    You need to type the product name in the app, and Google trend will show a graph showing the demand for that product.

    c. Measuring competition

    The more competitors, the higher the demand for the product being sold, you have to take advantage of this competition to find which products have a considerable quantity of sellers. Take advantage of Google's search facility by typing  Join [product type]  . Pay close attention to online stores that sell similar products and what can be done to be superior to them.

    2. Not responsible for the plan

    If you have made a plan for your business, as much as possible obey the plan. Online business is one type of business that has a very tight level of competition.

    In order not to be left behind by competitors, you must be able to comply with the plans that have been prepared, both about marketing plans, finance to sales.

    3. Lazy organize social media administration

    Lazy is a trait that should be avoided when doing business. Many online businesses actually have good prospects in the future but are hampered only because they are rarely updated and their accounts are not maintained.

    Creating a social media account for an online business is easy, but managing it requires an example.

    Not that you can carelessly add content within your business account. You must provide clear and appropriate information to the products sold.

    By continuing to provide the latest and informative content, customers will not get bored of visiting your site.
    4. Closed minded

    In living a business, you must be able to keep up with developments. There's always something new every day, if you're closed-minded, you'll just be left behind. Learn from anyone, anytime and how.

    If the person has ever experienced a failure in opening an online business, you can learn from their mistakes. If the person is successful in running an online business, you can follow their business strategy.

    Learning from many sources is one of the things that can help the development of business.

    Do not keep quality

    5. Not maintain the quality of service to consumers

    The most important aspect in a business kerja online is the consumer, like the saying that the consumer is king. By maintaining a good relationship with consumers, you are 1 step ahead of competitors.

    Even if a transaction has been made, you may ask for opinions, suggestions and criticism from customers. Online business through social media is customer-centered and customer satisfaction, therefore, communication with customers is something to be maintained.

    Online business and other businesses must be run with a strong determination and strong discipline. No business can succeed instantly, everything takes hard work and failure and rises.

    Learn from the mistakes that have been done and immediately get up, slumped in failure for too long can damage the mental and reduce your motivation.

    Rabu, 03 Mei 2017

    Small Business But Very Profitable

    Small Business But Very Profitable 2017 - This time I will share information about Small Business is profitable in the year 2017 ini.Apa prospective business opportunities and profitable in 2017? To find kerja online the answer, we again look back at the business trends that have occurred in the year 2016, and to analyze and predict global and local economic conditions in the coming year.

    The emergence of new binsis opportunities in Indonesia also occurs from the influence of free trade policy. Since last year, countries in Southeast Asia, including Indonesia, have agreed to a regional free trade that we know as MEA (ASEAN Economic Community).

    1. Printing Business

    As we know, that in early 2017, many regions in Indonesia will hold the Head of Region. Pilkada activities simultaneously certainly usually require a variety of props and tools of elections, such as billboards, pamphlets, stickers, and also screen printing t-shirts. Well, the various facilities and infrastructure of the election will experience a considerable increase in demand. For those of you who have pioneered this printing business, will certainly be able to reap a good profit harvest this year. While for those of you who want to pioneer this business, it would not hurt to start printing business in this year, while welcoming the national election event in 2019. Then, what is the capital needed to open a printing business? For the supply of work tools, such as copy machines, baliho printers, and the like, you need a capital of about 20-70 million rupiah. However it depends on the capacity and brand of machine you choose.

    2. Online Business

    Since the last 5 years, the growth of online business in Indonesia continues to increase. This is supported by an increasingly widespread Internet network, and the price of internet devices more affordable yng. With a smartphone that costs 500ribu rupiah, the community has been able to surf in cyberspace smoothly. It is indirectly positive impact for the progress of internet business. Speaking of internet business, it turns out there are so many manifold. The five most popular online businesses kerja online terpercaya for small businesses include:
    • Business Ecommerce Through Online Stores and Social Media
    • Business Dropshipping and Affiliate Products
    • Blogging, Youtubers, and Vlogs
    • Online Business Services, such as Consultants, Language Translators, Graphic Designs, Online Courses, and the like.
    • Business developers of applications, software, and trading of other digital products.

    3. Bisnis Akomodasi Liburan dan Rekreasi

    Holidays and recreation become one of the basic human needs. Therefore, plunging into this business promises good profit potential. This year, the plan of education minister to be held in school less than five working days will also have a positive impact in this business sector. The government plans on teaching and learning at school only lasts 5 working days, from Monday to Friday. If this is realized, then on Saturday and Sunday will be used by the family for recreation and vacation to the tourist centers. Thus, the business potential in the holiday services sector for local tourists will be brighter. You who have business travel services, tour guides, business souvenirs, inns, and restaurants will be successful business in 2017 this year.

    4. Business Franchise

    Since the last 5 years, franchise business increasingly popular in Indonesia. If 10-20 years ago, the concept of franchise business was only used for big capital businesses, such as supermarket franchises and fast food franchises, then these years the business concept of franchise partnership model has been familiar in the community. Many local business actors are expanding their business scope with franchise schemes, especially food and beverage entrepreneurs. They offer partnership packages with small capital, ranging from 3 million to tens of millions of rupiah, call it diantaranyya is Pasco franchise for blander chocolate ice cream products are offered at a price of 6 million dollars. There is also Martabak Mini Africa Waka Waka franchise with partnership capital of 7 millions rupiah. For complete information about franchise business opportunities with capital below 10 million rupiah, you can see on this link.

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